Week 3 reflection

I really enjoyed Jesse’s presentation. Jesse is clearly very knowledgable and passionate about this subject so it was great to hear his perspective. I really like that he is all for children having social media (in a safe way) because I find most adults who didn’t grow up with this sort of technology tend to be scared of it because they really don’t understand it. Our society is becoming more and more technologically advanced and I like how Jesse is promoting embracing this into classrooms. Technology and social media can be a great way to get students engaged in the material and trying to fight that is pointless. I’ll be honest, Jesse kind of scared me away from having a teacher instagram because it seems like theres so much to consider and take into account that it almost doesn’t seem worth it. I might change my mind further down the line but for now I feel like theres too much pressure to make sure all rules are followed.

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