Week 6 reflection

Jeff Hopkins presentation was very interesting me! The first thing that stood out for me was the fact that the  grade levels all mix together. I like how that eliminates the feeling of a “hierarchy” within a school, everyone is equally valued. I also thought it was really cool that students at PSII get to sit in on some Uvic classes. I think that is a great way to get an idea of what your university experience is going to be like, whereas I went into it completely blind and it was a difficult adjustment. Overall, the idea of an inquiry based school is scary to me because I thrive on structure and rubrics. I think this kind of school is excellent and clearly shows some great results but I’m finding myself wanting to meet somewhere in the middle of this kind of schooling and traditional schooling. I think this can be possible and I think it is something we are going to start seeing in the near future.

My check in is linked here!


1 Comment

  1. Joanna Lake
    October 25, 2021

    Morning check in is spooktacular!

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