Week 5 reflection

In reading Applying the Multimedia Principle, a point in the beginning of chapter 4 stood out for me. The article makes the point that adding pictures should not be an afterthought, but something that is well thought out and enhances the words with it. It goes on to say that the words and pictures should work together to create meaning for the learner. This stood out for me because if I am adding pictures to a text, I always do it after I’ve written the text. I never thought about how much thought can go into pictures that are paired with words. This article inspired me to be more thoughtful when it comes to creating multimedia work. Additionally, I found the article Accessibility 2.0: Next Steps for Web Accessibility quite interesting. In particular, the text states “Within the WAI WCAG guidelines, accessibility is understood to mean making content available and helping people find information more quickly by making it understandable and navigable.” This is interesting to me because I think in todays society, it is so easy for misinformation to spread. If information is understandable and navigable, it will be easier for people to find real information, instead of relying on facebook as a news source. I believe everyone deserves access to information in a fast and effective manner. 

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